Teresa Scassa - Blog

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used to assist government decision-making, although we have little case law that explores issues of procedural fairness when it comes to automated decision systems. This is why a recent decision of the Federal Court is interesting. In Barre v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) two women sought judicial review of a decision of the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) which had stripped them of their refugee status. They raised procedural fairness…

This post is the fifth in a series on Canada’s proposed Artificial Intelligence and Data Act in Bill C-27. It considers the federal government’s constitutional authority to enact this law, along with other roles it might have played in regulating AI in Canada. Earlier posts include ones on the purpose and application of the AIDA; regulated activities; the narrow scope of the concepts of harm and bias in the AIDA and oversight and protection. AI…

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