Teresa Scassa - Blog

Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner has released a report on an investigation into the use by McMaster University of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled remote proctoring software. In it, Commissioner Kosseim makes findings and recommendations under the province’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) which applies to Ontario universities. Interestingly, noting the absence of provincial legislation or guidance regarding the use of AI, the Commissioner provides additional recommendations on the adoption of AI technologies…

Ontario is currently holding public hearings on a new bill which, among other things, introduces a provision regarding the use of AI in hiring in Ontario. Submissions can be made until February 13, 2024. Below is a copy of my submission addressing this provision.   The following is my written submission on section 8.4 of Bill 149, titled the Working for Workers Four Act, introduced in the last quarter of 2023. I am a law…

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