Teresa Scassa - Blog

My previous post looked at some of the new definitions in the proposed amendments to the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) which is Part III of Bill C-27. These include a definition of “high impact” AI, and a schedule of classes of high-impact AI (the Schedule is reproduced at the end of this post). The addition of the schedule changes AIDA considerably, and that is the focus of this post. The first two classes…

Note: This is the first in a series of posts that will look at the proposed amendments to Canada's Artificial Intelligence and Data Act, which is Part III of Bill C-27, currently before Parliament. The amendments are extensive and have only just been introduced. Please consider these assessments to be preliminary.   Canada’s Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) (Part III of Bill C-27) has passed second reading and is currently before the INDU Committee…

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