Teresa Scassa - Blog

Displaying items by tag: Privacy

Teresa Scassa, Theodore Chiasson, Michael Deturbide, Anne Uteck, An Analysis of Legal and Technological Privacy Implications of Radio Frequency Identification Technologies, April 28, 2005.  Report Prepared under the Contributions Program of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Published in Reports/Consultations

Stephen Coughlan, Robert Currie, Hugh Kindred and Teresa Scassa, Global Reach, Local Grasp: Constructing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Age of Globalization, Prepared for the Law Commission of Canada, May 31, 2006.

Published in Reports/Consultations

Teresa Scassa, Jennifer Chandler and Elizabeth Judge, “Intelligence Gathering and Identification of Data Privacy Issues Arising from the Deployment of Intelligent Transportation Systems Including Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration and Cooperation”, prepared for Transport Canada, March 31, 2009.

Published in Reports/Consultations

“Tort of Invasion of Privacy Recognized in Ontario”, (2007) 5 Can. Privacy L.Rev. 4-5.

“Routine Border Searches of Laptop Computers” (2008) 5:7 Can. Privacy L. Rev. 72-74.

“Resolving the tension between counterfeit and grey goods”, Lawyers Weekly, January 23, 2009, pp. 7, 11.

“Social Networking, Privacy and Civil Litigation: Recent Developments in Canadian Law”, forthcoming in (2011) 7:7 Can. Privacy L. Rev.

Wednesday, 17 June 1992 15:28

Violence Against Women in Law Schools

"Violence Against Women in Law Schools", (1992), 30 Alberta L.R. 809

Published in Refereed Articles

"Language of Judgment and the Supreme Court of Canada", (1994) 43 U.N.B.L.J. 169

Published in Refereed Articles

"Social Welfare and Section 7 of the Charter: Conrad v. The Municipality of the County of Halifax", (1994) 17 Dalhousie Law Journal 187

Published in Refereed Articles
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Canadian Trademark Law

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Canadian Trademark Law 2d Edition

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Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, 2nd Edition

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Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada

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Intellectual Property for the 21st Century

Intellectual Property Law for the 21st Century:

Interdisciplinary Approaches

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