Teresa Scassa - Blog

Wednesday, 29 June 2011 08:00

Ambush Marketing and the Right of Association

Written by Teresa Scassa
Ambush marketing took on major event proportions at the Vancouver Olympics, as many large corporations sought to create associations with the event without falling afoul of s. 4 of Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic Marks Act. Perhaps the cheekiest example was Lululemon’s new clothing line titled “Cool Sporting Event That Takes Place in British Columbia Between 2009 & 2011 Edition.” Ambush marketing was also in the news around the FIFA World Cup of Football held in…

In a recent case, Jones v. Tsige, (2011 ONSC 1475) Justice Whittaker of the Ontario Superior Court granted a motion for summary judgment in law suit which the plaintiff had argued that the defendant had invaded her privacy when she accessed her personal banking information 174 times in a 4 year period.  The defendant argued that there was no such action at common law in the province of Ontario.    The defendant worked for the Bank…

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